Saturday, May 5, 2012

When looking at due dates from multiple modules for some reason I thought this reflection was due when we did peer reviews! Oops :(
Overall turning myself into a curator for this project was fun. I really enjoyed imagining what my exhibit would look like and how I wanted viewers to experience certain works of art. I had a lot of trouble narrowing down artworks. I also had a difficult time finding all the information on certain artworks that I really wanted to use. Bringing variety into my exhibit without being sporadic proved harder than I thought. The organization of my exhibit would have been easier if I stuck to time frames or styles or artists but I didn't want to do this because I wanted the viewers to relate in different ways personally, not just from one painting to the next. I tried to describe the exhibit the way I saw it in my head, hopefully readers will get the idea of what I was trying to achieve.

I really liked the room for creativity and personal choice in this piece. I tried to remain objective as many of the works I added were not personal favorites but complimented my theme nicely.

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