Sunday, May 13, 2012

Self-Portrait / Art Gallery Visit

Eating a Banana (1990)
Sarah Lucas
60x80 cm
Iris Print on Watercolor Paper

Self Portrait (1999)
Hyung Koo Kang
Oil on Canvas

Ready to Start. Self Portrait (1917)
William Orpen
No measurements given

Original Picture

Final Self Portrait
Paint Marker, Colored Pencil, Computer Graphics.

1. I selected these inspiration pieces because They caught my attention. I wanted variety and emphasis in my self-portrait. I also wanted it to be different shades of one color.

2. I selected colored pencils, paint marker, and the computer because these things were readily available to be and would help me achieve the style of portrait I was thinking of.

3. The only challenge I faced creating my self portrait was when the library closed and I needed a mac to complete the first part of my self portrait.

4. This piece represents me because it is taken in a coffee shop, representative of my social side, It uses multiple medias, representing my various styles and diversity. I am wearing my glasses to represent the 'student' side of me. I wanted to add variety to my self portrait like the 'eating a banana' portrait, so I chose coffee, perfect for my lifestyle of up-all-night studying lately! I added the headband to my self portrait in part because I messed up my forehead making myself look bald, and in part because it represents my style and 'free-spirited' personality.

5. I used emphasis with my face being closest in the portrait. I used variety with the iced coffee,and I used color by making the whole portrait different shades of one color.

6. I enjoyed working on this project, and I've never used these materials together before so it was fun to explore new techniques.

7. I think my final artwork turned out okay, it didn't turn out as abstract as I had in mind but I'm okay with the turns it took as I worked on it.

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