Sunday, May 13, 2012

Reflections of AED 200

1. What were you expectations for this course and where they met?

1      My expectations of the course were that I would learn about a variety of artistic styles, terms, mediums, and movements. My expectations were definitely, I gained a well-rounded learning experience of many different aspects of art and got to look at art as well as create it in new ways. 

2. Now that you've been through this course, What is art? How would you define it now compared to your initial posting?

I still believe that art is expression, but I also think art is an aesthetic experience, it’s intentional, and it is a vital and relevant aspect of our everyday lives

3. Who was your favorite artist in your original posting and who is your favorite visual artist now? If there is a difference, why do you think so? If you have the same favorite artist, why do you think so?

1.      My favorite artist in my original posting was Andy Goldsworthy. I am still a huge fan of Goldsworthy as a visual artist but his installation art and photography is only one small part of the large artistic world we explored in their class. I have a new respect for Picasso and Van Gogh after taking this class and seeing some of their work up close. 

4. Now that you've completed this course, how do you feel about taking an online course? Is your answer the same as it was in your first posting? How is it the same or different?

1.      I have taken many online courses in the past and five just this semester. All of them have been pretty challenging, requiring more work than the average in class course because we must ‘participate’ in other ways then simply showing up to class. Taking all online classes in a semester is something that was necessary for me this year and also created an amazing opportunity to go abroad. However; I would NEVER recommend all online courses to anyone. The work load is so heavy and because you get a new assigned module every week from every class. It’s easily eight hours of work a day and the weeks before finals were nearly impossible to manage. If I was in one or two online classes my time could have been much more easily managed and distributed. I will still continue to take online courses just never again five at a time.

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