Sunday, February 12, 2012

Elements and Principles Photography

This assignment was awesome for me because it gave me purpose when going out into Stockholm and taking pictures. I tried to remain focused on the element or principle at hand for each picture I took, so that my pictures would be obvious and intentional. Doing this while remaining creative however is easier said than done. It was easy to look at something and say “That would be perfect for my ‘space’ shot.” In fact it was so easy, that I had at least 5 pictures for almost every category. The problem is, with all of the beauty surrounding me and all of the opportunities I had to take what I would define as just an ‘interesting’ or ‘artistic’ photograph, I ended up with over 100 photos, and no definite categories for almost any of them.
Once the photos were in front of me on my computer I wrestled with which elements or principles suited them best! Colors turned out so vibrant in photos I had designated for shape, obvious rhythm appeared in photos meant for color, and distinctive lines appeared in photos meant for movement. I had to take some license as both the photographer and the observer in deciding the final labels for these pictures. This was a frustrating process, but I’m glad I went through it because it’s made me more aware and given depth to the composition of ‘interesting’ and ‘artistic’ photos. 

Even more frustrating was that my "organize" and "slideshow" features simply would NOT load after hours of trying, no exaggeration there. I tried everything, even "going pro" but that didn't work either. So this is the link to my album, which can be viewed as a slideshow. 


  1. Cara, I would just like to say that all your photos from Sweden are absolutely gorgeous!!! It seems like such an awesome place to be right now!! I saw it took you a while to pick and choose what pictures to choose for the assignment and seeing how well they fit the different categories I would say you did a splendid job! I can only imagine what other amazing pictures you took there!
    - Alyssa :)

  2. It was a very interesting slideshow. I think this is the first time I've seen pictures from Stockholm. Great job choosing each picture with each categories.
