1. Discuss what you thought about creating the Value Scale and Color Wheel.
I have done these things before in art class in high school so I honestly didn't mind the idea of doing them again, if anything I was just bummed because all I had time for was the assigned task at hand and all I really wanted was to play around with the materials and paint something original. The materials were SUPER expensive in Sweden because I live in a small town where they only sell the best quality stuff (there must be some serious artists around here.) Long story short I have some overpriced but very nice new art supplies:)
2. Which media did you enjoy working with the best and why?
Paint, I love painting, the possibilities with color, the uniqueness in the color when it's self mixed, I love it all. Plus painting is fun. Plus the graphite stick I bought was a pain and required a utility knife to sharpen, and the charcoal stick I bought (or what I thought was a charcoal stick gathered from my limited knowledge in the Swedish language) actually required that you burn it yourself, and then use it... I didn't feel like starting any fires in my house-family's kitchen so I used the graphite stick. Also, I could only find a ruler in cm, not in. So the conversion part wasn't quite exact.
3. What was the most important discovery in the creation of these studies?
You're proportions of magenta, cyan, and yellow need to be EXACT if you're not looking for a green-black or a blue-black. Finding a literal black was difficult and I'm not sure I actually achieved it.
4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos for this project?
The videos were okay. I didn't really refer to them much in the making of my color wheel and value scale. The one on the value scale was helpful but frustrating, the artist in that film is a pro and I couldn't make mine any where closed to refined as his but so it goes for beginners:) Also, it was a good thing my nine year old house brother watched with me, he stopped me before I painted yellow where orange was supposed to go, and then laughed at me.
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